Sede del Atlántico –Turrialba Campus
Student Teaching Experience 2018
Student: Iván Cascante Ortiz
Professor: Hannia León
Diagnostic Report

Ø  Introduction
The following document contains information related to the diagnostic exam applied in the Omar Salazar Obando Academic High School in order to figure out the English students’ level. Since this test was applied in seventh graders, the knowledge expectation of the language is not that high; however, students must not be underestimated.  The obtained information will be of great importance for the student teachers as it will be the base for planning the lessons.

Ø  Objetives
To identify the students’ English level.
To analyze the information obtained in the diagnostic exams.

Ø  Analysis of the information
Students´ number class 
Number of students who did the diagnostic exam (attendance that day)

The first part of the exam was dedicated to the verb be. This section shows that most of the students have an idea of how to use the verb be but they still do not know the exact use of it. Besides, two of them seem to have a little knowledge of the verb be.
First part. Multiple choice (Verb Be)
Ss. with 0 wrong answers 
Ss. With 1 or 2 wrong answers
Ss. With 3 or 4 wrong answers
Ss. With 5 or 6 wrong answers
Ss. With all answers wrong

The second part was about a topic they supposed to know because it was recently seen. It was about Wh-questions in which the tendency is an intermediate level. Only one students could answer all of them correctly.
Second part. Multiple choice (Wh-questions)
Ss. with 0 wrong answers 
Ss. With 1 or 2 wrong answers
Ss. With 3 or 4 wrong answers
Ss. With 5 or 6 wrong answers

Ss. With all answers wrong

The completion item was performed in order to figure out the vocabulary students know. The vocabulary was about things we can find every day in real life. In this part the vocabulary was given which made the exercise kind of easy. What this part shows is that they are not familiar with many common things we use and/or see every day; however, they showed that they know some other words.
Third part. Completion item (Vocabulary)
Ss. with 0 wrong answers 
Ss. With 1 or 2 wrong answers
Ss. With 3 or 4 wrong answers
Ss. With 5 or 6 wrong answers
Ss. With all answers wrong

The major concern is located in the last part of this diagnostic exam. Here we can notice that students are not able to create sentences. If they can create sentences, it is due to a previews exposure to the language before school. Students in seventh grade have only learned words in isolation and grammar rules are not still acquired and strong enough to create sentences. The only sentences created by them were kind of simple.
Fourth part. Production (Verb Be)
Ss. with 0 wrong sentences
Ss. With 1 wrong sentence
Ss. With 2 wrong sentences
Ss. With 3 wrong sentences
Ss. With 4 wrong sentences

Some questions were orally asked to students in order to know their speaking abilities such as pronunciation and their fluency in English. Questions were simple (see annexes) but most of them were not able to understand and in most of them any answer was received. They can only pronounce words in isolation but when they at least understand the question the answer is in Spanish. Only one student could answer using the English language in most of the questions.

Ø  Conclusions
To conclude, this diagnostic exam was very useful to know where students are located in terms of language abilities. If this kind of tests are not carried out, it will be difficult to figure out what they know. Class activities, exercises, and material in general will depend on what the diagnostic exam tells us. Unfortunately the group was not complete when the diagnostic exam was applied but there no doubt they must reinforce the verb be as it is the base for future learning. Also, they need to know more vocabulary as most of them do not know common simple words. Finally, it is important to improve their desire to learn English. Make them feel more engaged with the language learning. 

Ø  Annexes

1.   (Applied exam)
University of Costa Rica
Atlantic Branch: Turrialba Campus
ED0070 Experiencia Profesional
Professor: Hannia Leon Fuentes
Colegio Académico de Orientación Tecnológica Omar Salazar Obando       
English Department                                                              Time: 30 minutes
Student-Teacher: Ivan Cascante Ortiz                                  Total points: 28 pts
Diagnostic Test                                                                    Points ob:______
School year 2018                                                                 Score:_________
Seventh grade
Student’s name:______________________________________ Class:  _________
Date:______________  Start time:_______________ Finish time:______________
General specifications
·       The test should be done individually.
·       Use only black or blue pen.
·       Avoid using any extra material.
·       Make sure the exam has 4 pages
I Part: Multiple Choice-Verb Be. ( 7 points, one point each)
Read the following questions and mark an (X) on the correct simple present form of verb to be. There is only one correct choice.

1. Me and my friends ___ in the English class             5. She ____ my mother.
a) are                                                                        a) are                    
b) is                                                                           b) is
c) am                                                                         c) am

2. My classmates ___ intelligent.                                6. I ___ a student.
a) are                                                                        a) are
b) is                                                                           b) is
c) am                                                                         c) am

3. Maria ___ in the school.                                         7. He ___ the best singer.
a) are                                                                        a) are
b) is                                                                           b) is
c) am                                                                         c) am

4. My girlfriend and I___ engaged
a) are                     
b) is                                                                
c) am 
II PART. Multiple Choice- Wh-Questions. ( 7 points, one point each)
Complete each wh-question with the correct option. Write an (X) on the option that best completes the wh-question.
1. _____________ is your name?
a) how
b) what
c) when

2. _____________old are you?
a) how
b) who
c) what

3. Where _____________?
a) you from
b) you are from
c) are you from

4. _____________ is Luci’s birthday?
a) what
b) who
c) when

5. _____________ is Anita’s best friend?
a) who
b) what
c) when

6. _____________can we do that?
a) what
b) how
c) whose

7. _____________ are my blue pants?
a) where
b) when
c) what

III PART. Completion item. (10 pts, 1 point each correct answer)
Look at the picture. Every item in the picture has a number. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding name of the numbered item in the picture. The names of the items are in the following box. There are three extra words. 

1._______________                                        6._______________         
2._______________                                        7._______________
3._______________                                        8._______________
4._______________                                        9._______________
5._______________                                       10._______________

VII Part: Production (4 point, one point each)
Use the words in the box to write 4 sentences. Use only one word per sentence.
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________

1.   Questions orally asked:
1.    Do you like to learn English?
2.    Is English you favorite class?
3.    Did you receive English classes before high school?
4.    What class do you like the most?
5.    What is your favorite food?
6.    Do you like sea food?
7.    How much time do you spend from home to high school?


  1. Good job! I see that you analyzed your Ss answers. How is your practicum doing?


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