Template for Syllabus Summary Report

Sede del Atlántico –TURRIALBA
Student Teaching Experience 2018

Template for Syllabus Summary Report

Title of Syllabus

Educating for a New Citizenship

Main Pedagogical Guidelines

·       The Socio-Constructivist Approach
The socio-constructivism approach perceives the learner as a responsible member of a world community and views teachers as social engineers.
·       Holism
Holism conceives reality as a set of systems, a mixture of chaos and order where uncertainty is greater than the known reality. There is a network of connections; everything is affected and interdependent
·       Critical Pedagogy
The critical pedagogy emphasizes the political dimension of teaching whereby learners become producers of knowledge, not just consumers. They are subjects of their own learning process
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in the Costa Rican Context

Examples of contents in the different levels (3 examples per level)

·       7th Wh questions, Demonstrative Adjectives and Possessive “s”.
·       8th Subject Pronouns, Simple Present Tense and Simple Present Tense yes/no Questions.
·       9th Present Perfect + ever, Present Perfect continuous Subject + has/have been/ base + ing, Modal Auxiliaries.
·       10th Contractions/future tense (will) tense, Indications of time, Past perfect.
·       11th Comparative and superlative adjectives, Wh- in the past, Future continuous Will+ be+ gerund.

Evaluation Components

Technically designed instruments such as: learning logs, rubrics, check lists, anecdotal reports, journals, integrated mini project (thinking, acting out, responding and sharing), short descriptions, discussions

Group Comments and Conclusions of the Syllabus

The syllabus is really complete and helpful. It represents a very detailed guide for the teaching and learning process. Using it in a correct way will secure students language development. What we found complicated is to make old teachers start developing lessons based on this new syllabus since they have used the old one for many years.


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